Feline Ovarian
Remnant Syndrome
(Estrus after
Ovariohysterectomy in the Queen)
What could be
How it can be
How it can be
How did it happen?
Normal Feline
Estrous Cycle Review:
- Understanding the normal feline estrous cycle is important
when investigating signs of estrus after ovariohysterectomy.
- Puberty in the cat usually occurs at 9 to 10 months of age.
- Puberty may occur as early as 4 months or as late as 2
years, however because cats are seasonal breeders, the season in
which the kitten was born influences the age at which puberty
- Seasonality
- Cyclicity is dependent on the photoperiod with cats being
“long-day breeders” requiring 12 hours or more of light to
maintain normal cyclicity.
- Cyclicity and folliculogenesis stops abruptly in queens
exposed to less than 8 hours of light, but resume an average of
16 days after returning to a 14-hour photoperiod.
- Seasonality is more pronounced in cats exposed to natural
lighting, especially at higher latitudes. Long-haired breeds
tend to he more seasonal than short-haired breeds.
- Phases of the feline estrous cycle
- Proestrus, estrus, interestrus, diestrus or
pseudopregnancy, and anestrus.
- Proestrus precedes estrus and lasts 1 to 2 days.
- Seen in only 16% of estrous cycles.
- Female is attractive to, but not willing to accept
the male.
- The queen may rub against objects, vocalize, and
assume a lordotic or “dragster posture” where she will place
her front quarters on the ground, elevate her hind quarters
and lift her tail to one side. When the dorsal caudal area
is stroked, she will tread with her hind legs.
- Estrus is the period of sexual receptivity that lasts an
average of 7 days (3 to 16) and then subsides for an average of
9 days (3 to 14).
- Behavioral changes are pronounced in estrus, however
the external genitalia has no conspicuous changes in
appearance or size.
- Because of several factors, such as the relatively
short length of proestrus, the ability to induce ovulation
by mechanical stimulation of the vagina, and the less
dramatic changes observed in the queen; vaginal cytology is
not as useful as it is in the bitch.
- The duration of estrus is unaffected by breeding or
- Inducing ovulation to abruptly terminate
objectionable estrous behavior will not shorten the duration
of estrus for that cycle, however the subsequent interestrus
period following estrus will be longer.
- Interestrus is the period between successive estrus
periods if ovulation does not occur.
- If the queen is not bred, estrus will occur every 2
to 3 weeks.
- If the queen ovulates, corpora lutea are formed and
secrete progesterone.
- If the queen is not pregnant, diestrus (pseudopregnancy)
results which lasts 35 to 40 days.
- Anestrus is the seasonal period when the cat does not
- Ovulation induction
- Queens are induced ovulators and ovulate in response to
vaginal stimulation, however spontaneous ovulation may occur in
the queen.
- Ovulation is triggered by copulation or mechanical
stimulation of the vagina that causes a reflex stimulation of
the hypothalamus via pathways in the spinal cord.
- The hypothalamus releases gonadotropin-releasing hormone
(GnRH), which causes a release of luteinizing hormone (LH) from
the anterior pituitary.
- The LH then stimulates ovulation and the development of
corpora lutea.
- Other forms of stimulation, for example stroking, may
occasionally be responsible for ovulation.
- Active corpora lutea have been found in cats
unexposed to males or artificial coital stimuli.
- Ovulation depends on adequate LH release, with both the
peak concentration and the duration of elevation being
- The LH release occurs within minutes of coitus and peaks
about 1 to 2 hours later.
- Release of LH is partially dependent upon the duration of
prior exposure to estrogen so the LH response vary depending on
the day of estrus coitus occurs.
- Multiple copulations result in higher concentrations of
plasma LH and are more likely to result in ovulation than single
- The duration of elevated LH in plasma also determines
whether ovulation occurs, with LH decreasing to baseline values
within 12 to 24 hours after a single mating or after multiple
matings at less than 2-hour intervals.
- LH remained elevated up to 38 hours after multiple mating
intervals every 3 hours.
- To achieve sufficient LH release, repeated breeding at
reasonable intervals should be encouraged.
- The LH response to a single mating can vary
substantially, and neither single nor multiple copulations can
ensure ovulation. T
- To increase the likelihood of ovulation, breeders should
try to maximize the number of matings and breed on successive
days of estrus.
- Ovulation occurs 24 to 60 hours postcoitus and may vary
depending on the mating pattern.
- Three alternatives following estrus are possible in the
- Ovulation does not occur and an average 9 day (4 to 22)
interestrus occurs before the next proestrus
- Ovulation occurs without fertilization, resulting in a 35
to 40 day pseudopregnancy and a 1 to 10 day insterestus
- Pseudopregnancy is when ovulation and corpora lutea
formation occurs but not pregnancy.
- The corpora lutea produce progesterone that rises
rapidly from basal concentrations to a peak of 16 to 17 ng/ml
18 to 25 days post ovulation.
- Following the peak, progesterone concentrations
decline to basal values at approximately 40 days post
- The normal duration of pseudopregnancy is 36.5 days
(35 to 40).
- The corpora lutea appear to have a preprogrammed
finite lifespan in that they are not subject to regression
from uterine sources of prostaglandins. They are also
resistant to multiple luteolytic doses of prostaglandins
through days 11 to 25 postovulation, indicating that it is
clinically difficult to shorten the time interval from the
onset of pseudopregnancy to the subsequent estrus.
- Lactation (pseudogenetra) at the end of
pseudopregnancy is rare in the queen.
- Pregnancy.
When does
estrus occur after surgery?
17 days to 9 years was interval from surgery to estrus (mean of 2 years). Wallace, MS. Veterinary Clinics of North America Small Animal Practice. 21:501-507 (1991)
3 weeks to 6 months - Miller, D. J. Diagnostic Investigation 7: 572-574 (1995) - GA Diagnostic Lab
Looked at 29 cats over 5 years.
No purebred cats.
OHE < 4 months of age did not have any ovarian remnants.
The prolonged interestrus - time cannot be fully answered, possibly spontaneous ovulation kept queens out of estrus.
The following table shows the results of one study that
investigated queens returning to estrus after ovariohysterectomy. The
study documents 29 cats over 5 years that had ovarian remnants submitted
to the Georgia Diagnostic Laboratory in Athens, Georgia. No purebred
cats had any ovarian remnants. Queens that had surgery under 4 months of
age did not have any ovarian remnants.
Table 1. Ovarian remnant location, time form surgery to estrus,
and interestrus intervals in queens showing estrus after
Remnant Location
OHE to Estrus |
Interestus Intervals |
Both |
NA |
3 wk |
Both |
NA |
constant |
Both |
6 mo |
4 mo |
Both |
3 yr |
NA |
Both |
NA |
NA |
Both |
NA |
NA |
Left |
5 mo |
NA |
Both |
NA |
NA |
Right |
3 mo |
3 mo |
Omentum |
6 mo |
3 mo |
NA |
6 mo |
6 mo |
Both |
6 mo |
6 mo |
Right |
NA |
NA |
Both |
NA |
NA |
Both |
5 mo |
5 mo |
Both |
2 mo |
2 mo |
Right |
3 mo |
3 mo |
Left |
3 mo |
3 mo |
Left |
3 mo |
3 mo |
Both |
NA |
NA |
Left |
1.5 mo |
1 mo |
Left |
1.5 mo |
1 mo |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
6 mo |
2 mo |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
1 yr |
3 mo |
Both |
6 mo |
3 mo |
Left |
4 yr |
3 mo |
Both |
NA |
NA |
Right |
NA |
3 wk |
OHE to Estrus = time from initial surgery until signs of estrus
Interestrus Interval = Time from one estrus period to next estrus
NA = Unknown
From - Miller, D. J. Diagnostic Investigation
7: 572-574 (1995)
- Estrual signs are enough to confirm that the queen is in
estrus and has ovarian tissue present.
Estrogen samples > 70 pmol/L are an
indication that the queen has estrogen production from follicular
activity on the ovary.
Estrogens are not really reliable
Hard to measure accurately,
Concentrations may fluctuate
during estrus
Estrogen concentration falls
before the queen ends behavioral estrus.
Induce ovulation and then measure the
plasma concentration of progesterone 2 to 4 weeks later.
If progesterone is high (>6 nmol/ml),
the queen ovulated and produced corpora lutea.
Ovulation can be induced by
vaginal stimulation with a glass rod, thermometer
Exogenous hormones
GnRH or LH after mating can
be used to increase the likelihood of ovulation.
Both stimulate ovulation by
bypassing the vaginal/hypothalamic neural pathway.
According to one report,
administration of 25 ug of GnRH on the second day of estrus
resulted in all mature follicles present ovulating in all
queens treated.
The results of two reports
suggest that a dose of 500 IU hCG on day 1 or days 1 and 2
of estrus achieved maximal ovulation rates.
With lower doses, all
queens ovulated, but ovulation rates per queen were less
than 100%.
hCG, administered at a
dose of 250 IU on days 2 and 3 of estrus, and coupled
with mating three times per day at three hour intervals
for the first three days of estrus resulted in a
doubling of the number of corpora lutea formed.
LH testing
Why did it happen?
It is more common in the queen than
the bitch.
It is not associated with difficult
It is not associated with new
graduates or inexperienced surgeons.
Dropping a piece of the ovary can
result in revascularization of the remnant and return to estrus, but
the ovaries are relatively easy to remove in the queen.
Accessory ovarian tissue that extends
into the ovarian ligament has been reported.
Accessory ovarian tissue has also
been documented in the proper ligament of the ovary, but separate
from the ovary.
The prolonged interestrus time cannot
be fully answered, however it has been shown that some queens do
spontaneously ovulate. Spontaneous ovulation may result in a
diestrus and anestrus periods that approximate many of the
interestrus times seen in one study.
Some queens show signs of estrus
after ovariohysterectomy.
It may be months between the surgery
and return to estrus.
The condition can be diagnosed by the
estrual signs of the queen, or by inducing ovulation and measuring
Surgery is the treatment of choice,
but the surgeon must be thorough.
It probably was not the veterinarians
fault that a remnant is there!
Other references:
Douglas J. Heffelfinger. Ovarian remnant in a
2-year-old queen.
Can Vet J.
February; 47(2):