Canine Ovarian
Remnant Syndrome
(Estrus after
Ovarian remnant left at surgery - faulty
17% of post ovariohysterectomy complications in
one study were due to ovarian remnants.
May be anomalous accessory ovarian tissue in the
broad ligament
cytology - should be cornified cells if there is any estrogenic
stimulation endogenous or exogenous).
If there is an ovarian source, estrogen
should decline and cornification subside in 9-20 days
If the estrogen is exogenous, the
cornifcation will subsist.
Progesterone - Progesterone should be high for
approximately 2 months after the signs of estrus regress if there is
an ovarian source of estrogen.
LH testing - Löfstedt RM, Vanleeuwen JA. Evaluation of a commercially available luteinizing
hormone test for its ability to distinguish between ovariectomized and
sexually intact bitches. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2002 May 1;220(9):1331-5.

Single high serum LH concentration was not a
reliable indicator of ovarian removal
A single low serum LH concentration was an
excellent indicator that a bitch was sexually intact.
The LH test
results were positive within 10 days after ovarian removal
Remained high in bitches from which ovaries had been removed > 5
years previously.
Excellent agreement in test interpretation within and among
evaluators and over a 6-hour time span.
Hard for most to identify ovaries (need to
scan repeatedly over time to identify. See it in the picture
Follicles may be seen on ovaries.
Corpora lutea do not always appear
11/12 scanned (21 total in study) in one
study had suspected ovaries (JAVMA 236:548-551, 2010)
Treatment - Surgery
6/21 - left pedicle
13/21 - right pedicle
2/21 - both pedicles
Other sources of estrogen